The Mobile Sausage Factory

The Mobile Sausage Factory (prototype) visited Hyllie at the Finissage together with sound artist Dr. Flora Könemann (Berlin) who invited visitors and participants to listen to the sounds of sausage making.

Final Weekend! Sunday 27 August Finissage Program

For our final day at Agrikultura invite you to join us to explore works in the fields, and participate in workshops and performances.

On Sunday, feel free to bring a picnic, picnic utensils, glasses (and if you have it, also a picnic blanket or cloth) and join us in the park for a celebratory picnic at 17:00.

Open Hours: 11:00 – 18:00

Take a walk around the fields and listen to Rory Solomon’s Radio Tree Malmö in the woods; harvest vegetables from Ursula Endlicher’s Input Field; check out Juanli Carrión’s OSS Holma; and visit Monix Sjölin at her Spirit House…

Schedule of activities:

12:00 – 14:00: Wasteland Encyclopaedia, Agata Bielska
Join Agata Bielska for a foraging workshop on the fields at Agrikultura; gather and prepare foods for our closing picnic.

13:00 – 15:00: Edible Carpet, Åsa Maria Bengtsson
“Tant grön”  (lady green) will harvest and give salad and other green edibles away from the Edible Carpet.

13:00 – 15:00: The Sausage Factory, Helena Marika Ekenger
Join Helena at the Open Room for a performance / workshop at her poetic sculpture that produces food for our closing picnic!

15:00 – 16:00: FieldWalk III, Gunnel Pettersson
Gunnel will be joined by Sons of God (Leif Elggren & Kent Tankred) together with Amit Sen for a FieldWalk moves between music, performance and visual arts in such a way that the traditional boundaries become uninteresting.

17:00: Picnic in the fields at the Open Room
Join us for a communal picnic in the fields!! Please bring picnic supplies and food to share!

Final Weekend! Saturday 26 August Program

Join us for our final weekend of Agrikultura on the future English Park in Hyllie. On Saturday, in addition to tours at 13:00 and 15:00 several artists are giving final performances at their projects:

Open Hours: 11:00 – 18:00

Take a walk around the fields and listen to Rory Solomon’s Radio Tree Malmö in the woods; harvest vegetables from Ursula Endlicher’s Input Field; check out Juanli Carrión’s OSS Holma; visit Monix Sjölin at her Spirit House; contemplate climate change futures at Oliver Kelhammer’s Neo-eocene and Rory Solomon & Wes Heiss’ Transplant…

Schedule of activities:

14:00 – 16:00 The Importance of Being … , Malin Lobell
Join Malin Lobell for a conversation about earthworms, soil, and composting; a tour of the edible plants in Cluster; and a conversation about maintaining Cluster as an edible forest edge into the future!!

16:00 – 17:00 Pigs and Man, Bent Bøgedal Christoffersen
Join Bent and his pig collaborators for their final sound performance

17:00 – 17:30 Landscapes of Resistance, Egle Oddo
As part of her Ark of Seeds installation, Egle Oddo will offers to the public miniature edible sculptures filled with seeds and herbs. They have been designed in collaboration with chef de cuisine Lorenzo Eleuteri.

Field Walk II

23 August
17:00 – 18:00

Join Gunnel Pettersson for Field Walk II. This walk and conversation is about expanding our understanding of the rural-urban as connected public spaces; do we need a next generation of guerrilla gardening also in rural areas?

Field Walk I

Saturday 20 August
16:00 – 17:00

Join Gunnel Pettersson for the first of her FieldWalks at the Buckwheat Field at Agrikultura!

In this “walk” the conversation theme will be about the production of buckwheat noodles and the Japanese culture around “Soba” (buckwheat noodles). Takao Momiyama will perform and offers taste samples and recipes.

Takao Momiyama is an artist with a great interest for food crafts. He won third prize nationally in Gastronomic Foods 2015 (Matverk 2015 ) together with chef Johan Linneborg and Gunnel Pettersson for handmade buckwheat noodles.

Tree Diagrams

(above) A diagram for a full grown tree that is five years old.
(below) The four diagrams for the trees that were part of Agrikultura.

The trees are designed based on the color and time of each fruit’s blossoms.

Cluster Open House

Saturday 12 August
12:00 – 14:00

Cluster invites you to view and taste edible perennials during a conversation about a citizen garden in public parkland.

Pigs and Man Live Stream

Friday 11 August
16:00 – 17:00

Join Bent Bøgedal Christoffersen for Pigs and Man sound performance! This time, instead of being at Agrikultura in Hyllie, Bent will perform with his pigs at their home on the farm! Listen on Live Stream, if the pigs are willing!!


[wp_cart_display_product name=”Agrikultura Catalog” price=”13.00″ shipping=”5″ thumbnail=”×93.jpg” description=”The catalog for the exhibition” shipping=”2.50″]

[wp_cart_display_product name=”Catalog Package” price=”26.00″ shipping=”2.50″ thumbnail=”×93.jpg” description=”We also sell online the complete package which includes the catalog, a seed cover, 9 postcards and bag.” ]


Testing nature’s edible resources at Hyllie

Testing nature’s edible resources at Hyllie for Wasteland Encyclopaedia. Soup is made from 100% local wild plants and mushrooms.

We made vegetable stock from Daucus carotus (vildmorot, Queen Anne’s Lace) – root, leaves and flowers
and Pastinaca sativa (vild palsternacka, wild parsnip) – root, leaves and flowers.
We strained all wild vegetables from stock as they were too woody to eat.

Then we added to the boiling soup chopped young leaves of Tussilago farfara (hästhov, coltsfoot)
and fried mushrooms, Lycoperdon perlatum (vårtig röksvamp, warted puffball).

News for Pigs and Man

I met my new girlfriends Gullig and Grynhilde.
Hopefully they will join to make a sound art performance at Holstenhof in Vollsjö in the near future.
We need a good day without rain.

What is that plant? The Tree of Life at Agrikultura

Saturday August 6
12:00 – 14:00

Join artist Sophia Warsh and biologist Christi Byrd for a workshop which will focus on learning the patterns of the flowering plant families present at the Agrikultura site. Warsh and Byrd talk about how to identify the wild and cultivated plants, and then make a tree of life that shows their evolutionary relationships. What families are most abundant on the site? How do we know a rose is a rose? These and other questions will be answered at this exciting workshop.

Inventory of plants at Agrikultura

Plant Inventory at Agrikultura
Hyllie, Malmo, Sweden
August 3, 2017

Alismataceae, water plantain family
Alisma plantago-aquatica, European water plantain, svalting

Amaranthus blitum, purple amaranth, lila amarant
Atriplex hortensis var. rubra, red orach, Trädgårdsmålla
Beta vulgaris ssp. vulagris, chard, Mangold
Blitum (Chenopodium) bonus henricus, Good King Henry, Lungrot
Blitum (Chenopodium) capitatum, Strawberry goosefoot, smultronmålla
Chenopodium album, lamb’s quarters, svinmåla
Spinacia oleracea, spinach, spenat

Amaryllidaceae, amaryllis family

Allioideae, onion tribe
Allium ampeloprasm, wild leek, Vild purjolök
Allium sativum, garlic vitlök
Allium cepa, onion, lök

Anacardiaceae, sumac family
Rhus typhina, staghorn sumac, Rönnsumak

Apiaceae, parsley/carrot family
Angelica archangelica, ssp. litoralis, garden angelika, Strandkvanne,
Daucus carotus, Queen Anne’s Lace, vildmorot
Eryngium maritimum, sea holly, Vägtistel
Foeniculum vulgare, fennel, fänkål
Pastinaca sativa, Parsnip – Palsternacka

Asteraceae, Aster or sunflower family
Achillea millefolium, yarrow, röllika
Arctium lappa/minus, burdock, Stor/liten kardborre
Artemesia vulgaris, mugwort, Gråbo
Calendula officinalis, pot marigold, ringblomma, ringblomssläktet
Cichorium intybus, chickory, Cikoria eller vägvårda
Cirsium arvense, field thistle, Åkertistel
Cirsium vulgare, bull thistle, Vägtistel
Helianthus tuberosus, jerusalem artichoke, Jordärtskocka
Hypochaeris radicata, false dandelion, Hairy cat’s ear, rotfibbla
Lactuca sativa cv. , lettuce, sallad
Lactuca serriola, prickly lettuce, Rottfibbla
Senecio vulgaris/ Senecio jacobaea, groundsel/ragwort,
Sonchus sp., sow thistle, Molkar,
Tanacetum vulgare, tansy, Renfana
Taraxacum officinale, dandelion, Maskros
Taraxacum albidum, white dandelion, Vit Maskros
Tripleurospermum maritimum, false mayweed, Baldersbrå
Tussilago farfara, coltsfoot, Hästhov/Hästhovsört

Betulaceae, Birch family
Alnus glutinosa, alder, Klibbal
Betula pendula, birch, Vårtbjörk
Corylus avellana, hazelnut, Hassel

Boraginaceae, borage family
Borago officinalis, star flower, borage, Gurkört
Echium vulgare, Viper’s bugloss, blueweed, Blåeld
Phacelia tanacetifolia, Honungsört, lacy phacelia
Symphytum officale, comfrey, Äkta vallört

Brassicaceae, mustard family
Eruca sativa, arugula
Lepidium latifolium, broad-leaved pepperweed, Bitterkrassing
Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus, radish, rädisa
Sisymbrium altissimum, Tumble Mustard, Hamnsenap

Caprifoliaceae, honeysuckle family
Dipsacus fullonum, wild teasel, Fuller’s teasel, Kardvädd
Lonicera kamtschatica ‘Vostory’, blue-berried honeysuckle, Try
Lonicera tatarica, Fagerty, Tatarian honeysuckle, Rosentry
Valleriana officinalis, Valerian – Läkevänderot/ vänderot

Cornaceae, dogwood family
Cornus sericea, Western dogwood, Videkornell

Cucurbitaceae, squash family
Cucurbita pepo var. cylindrica, zucchini
Cucurbita sp., pumpkin, pumpa

Cupressaceae, cypress family
Metasequoia glyptostroboides, dawn redwood

Elaeagnus multiflora, cherry elaeagnus, silverbuskar

Euphorbiaceae, spurge, rubber or cassava family
Euphorbia helioscopia, spurge, Revormstörel

Fabaceae, legume family
Phaseolus vulgaris, climbing bean, Trädgårdböna
Trifolium incarnatum, Blodklöver, blood clover
Trifolium campestre, yellow clover, Hop clover, Jordklöver
Trifolium pratense, red clover, Rotklöver
Trifolium repens, white clover, Vitklöver
Vicia faba, fava bean, broad bean, böna
Vica cracca/ sylvatica / villosa, vetch, Vicker

Fagaceae, Beech, Chestnut, or oak family
Fagus sylvatica, beech, Bok

Geraniaceae, Geranium family
Geranium pusillum, small-flowered crane’s bill, Sparvnäva

Ginkgoaceae, ginkgo family
Ginkgo biloba, maidenhair tree, ginkgo

Grossulariaceae, currant family
Ribes nigrum, black currant, svarta vinbär
Ribes rubrum, red currant, Trädgårdsvinbär
Ribes uva-crispa, gooseberry, krusbär

Hydrangeaceae, Hydrangea family
Hydrangea sp., Hydrangea, Hortensia

Hypericaceae, St. John’s wort family
Hypericum perforatum, St John’s-wort, johannesört

Juncaceae, rush family
Juncus sp., rush, Tåg

Lamiaceae, mint family
Mentha sp., mint,
Oreganum vulgare, oregano

Linum usitatissimum, flax, Lin

Lythraceae, Loosestrife family
Lythrum salicaria, purple loosestrife, Fackelblomster

Malvaceae, Mallow family
Alcea rosea, hollyhock, stokros
Malva moschata, musk mallow, Myskmalva

Oleaceae, olive family
Ligustrum vulgare ‘Atrovirens’, Liguster, privet

Onagraceae, Evening Primrose family
Chamaenerion angustifolium (Chamerion angustifolium/Epilobium angustifolium),
fireweed, Mjölke/ rallarros
Epilobium sp., willowherb, Dunörter
Oenothera glazioviana, large flowered evening primrose, jättenattljus

Onocleaceae, sensitive fern family
Matteuccia struthiopteris, ostrich fern, strutbräken

Papaveraceae, poppy family
Papaver rhoes, poppy, kornvallmo
Papaver sp., cultivated poppy, valmo

Plantaginaceae, plantain family
Plantago lanceolata, plantain, Svartkämpar
Plantago major, broadleaf plantain, Groblad/ gårdsgroblad

Polygonaceae, Buckwheat family
Bistorta officinale, bistort, Stor ormrot
Fagopyrum esculentum, buckwheat, bovete
Polygonum aviculare, common knotgrass, Trampört
Rheum rhabarbarum, rhubarb, rabarbar
Rumex crispus, curly dock, Krusskräppa
Rumex obtusifolius, bitter bock, broad leaved dock, Tomtskräppa
Rumex scutatus, french sorrel, ängssyra

Primulaceae, Primrose family
Anagallis arvensis, scarlet pimpernel, Rödmire

Resedaceae, mignonette family
Reseda luteola, Dyer’s weed, Färgreseda

Rhamnaceae, buckthorn family
Hippophae rhamnoides, Sea buckthorn, Havtorn

Rosaceae, rose family
Amelanchier alnifolia, service berry, Sen häggmispel
Aronia arbutifolia, chokeberry, Rödaronia
Cydonia oblonga, quince, kvitten
Fragaria vesca, wild strawberry, smultron
Filipendula ulmaria, Meadowsweet, älgört
Geum urbanum, wood avens, Nejlikrot
Malus domestica “Frederik’, apple, äpple
Potentilla reptans, creeping cinquefoil, Revfingerört
Prunus avium, cherry, körsbär
Prunus domestica ’Opal’, plum, plommon
Prunus padus, bird cherry, Hägg
Rosa rugosa, rugosa rosa, Vesros
Sanguisorba minor, salad burnet, Äkta pimpinell

Rubiaceae, Coffee family
Galium sp., bedstraw, Måror

Salicaceae, willow family
Salix sp., willow, Viden

Sapindaceae, soapberry family
Aceraceae, maple tribe
Acer pseudoplatanus, sycamore maple, Tysklönn

Solanaceae, nightshade family
Solanum dulcamara, bittersweet nightshade, Besksöta
Solanum tuberosum, potato, potatis

Scrophulariaceae, figwort family
Verbascum nigrum, black mullein, Mörkt kungsljus

Typhaceae, Cat-tail family
Typha latifolia, Cattail,great reedmace – Bredkaveldun

Urticaceae, Nettle family
Urtica dioica, stinging nettle, Brännässla

Cluster growing

Cluster and one of its caretakers and gardeners, Johnie Ekman.

It has been two month since Malin Lobell and Mary Mattingly‘s project, Cluster – an edible forest edge –
has been planted. Johnie Ekman and Johanna Eriksson, practicants from Holma folkhögskola’s course in Agroforestry/ permaculture have been doing amazing work ensuring the garden has been maintained, and the Cluster garden is now well established in the landscape.

Are you interested to get involved and work towards keeping the Cluster edible forest garden on site permanently? Making it into Hyllie’s future food-park?

Please contact: Malin Lobell < info AT > or Johnie Ekman < johnieekman AT >

photos: Johnie Ekman and Malin Lobell

The Mobile Sausage Factory visited Hyllie

The Mobile Sausage Factory visited Hyllie on the opening of Agrikultura presenting a trailer for a workshop in August: Korvkärlek! Gör korv du kan äta med gott samvete / Sausage love! Make sausages you can eat it with a clear conscience.

Thoughts on Vague Meadow

Notions about place inform my ongoing work with Vague Meadow. I’m trying to think about place as dystopia. That is, at the brink of anthropocen ( ), I ask if we still can think or rethink places (people) in idealistic terms, as utopia? All places are more or less dystopian, more or less bad. That make them political. They can be good for some and bad for someone else at the same time. And they can be improved. Or maybe we lack terms for places in a new geological era? We now know that agriculture produce extended soil erosion globally. Oceans turn sour and many species are deracinated.
Our temporary knowledge tells us that the place in Hyllie (the recessed area) is 5000 years old, in the holocen era. Back to when people started to grow land in Skåne. Erik Sanner has noted that the top soil layer at Hyllie, the most fertile ground in Sweden, was sold many years ago ( ). Geology as commodity, anthropocen logic, in which human impact can be traced to every inch of the globe.
More to come…

Cyanotype Workshop with Farah Marie Velten

1 July, 2 July, 30 July, and 5 August, 2017
14:00 – 18:00

Join Farah Marie Velten for a demonstration and workshop where you’ll learn the photographic printing process Cyanotype, which she is also using for her Agrikultura project, Agriphoto Culturagraph. The process dates back to 1842 and works using sun and water.

You will get to make your own contact prints using items you’ll find at Agrikultura and get to take your one-of-a-kind pieces home with you.

The world in common

We offered the edible sculptures while the rain was gently enhancing the smell of the land and of the plants. Taste, smell and touch are primary ways to communicate. Performative food offers seem to connect the audience intimately. The seeds were ingested transforming the audience into temporary seeds containers.
Cellular synergy, and spontaneous mutation.

Performance with: Egle Oddo, Johanna Fredriksson, Timo Tuhkanen.

Martian Neighborhood Hyllie

At the center of most European villages is a church or a castle. In Hyllie, the first structure was the spaceship. The hotels, malls, condos and office buildings came later. This is how Martian towns will develop, where the oldest structures will be vessels which have landed.

Topsoil is a valuable commodity, and the topsoil in Hyllie was stripped away and sold many years ago. The earth in the southern part of Sweden is among the most fertile ground in all of Europe, yet Hyllie’s land is not hospitable. To some extent it has been marsformed already, the opposite of terraforming.

In Hyllie as you observe the landscape from the Martian crater, you see very few people. You might see someone on the bicycle path, or other visitors to Agrikultura, but otherwise it looks uninhabited. Yet there is a sizeable population in the neighborhood. Where are they all? Inside the mall, or the office buildings, or the hotels, where the windows don’t open, sealed environments in which the air temperature is controlled by computers, and machines are constantly circulating the air with sophisticated pumping mechanisms.

In Hyllie, people are already living as if they are on Mars.

Lördagsserier och evenemang på Agrikultura

Saturday 29 July, 2017
11:00 – 18:00

13:00 – Rundtur i Agrikultura med kurator, Marek Walczak

14:00 – 16:00 Kom och följ konstnär, kock, forager Agata Bielska Annersten och botaniker / trädgårdsmästare Sophia Warsh för en botanisk workshop i Agrikultura. Vi kommer att promenera runt platsen och Sophia kommer att visa deltagarna hur man identifierar och trycker växter. Agata kommer att fokusera på ätbara och medicinska växter som man kan hitta runt omkring i området. Vi kommer att samla några växter, för att att sedan gå till köket vid kiosken för att att gå genom dess användningsområden. Worskshopen är en del av förberedelserna för Agata Bielskas arbete Wasteland Encyclopedia som omfattar forskning om ätbarhet och medicinsk användning av de vilda växter som finns i Hyllie

15:00 – Rundtur i Agrikultura med kurator

16:00 Vid kluster: Malin Lobell Brodersen håller en föreläsning för att hedra daggmasken och jordens betydelse med utgångspunkt från Darwins bok ”The formation of vegetable mould” till Haraways ”human as humusity”. Från monokultur i jordbruket till polykultur i skogsträdgården. Samtalet avslutas med introduktion och provsmakning från Cluster.

16:00 På öppet rum. Delta i Bent Bøgedal Christoffersen grisinspirerade ljudperformance Pigs and Man i det Öppna Rummet!

Preparations for the Field Walk I, II and III

Buckwheat grows on the field in the middle of the new settlements. Can we coexist? The path is prepared for the walks. The conversation can begin.

Collaborative Possibilities

A workshop can be anything. Modes of communication and expression do not need to be predetermined. Silence, speech, listening, thought, action… Our phones are pocket television studios, our movements can be choreography, our voices can be music, our words can be stories.

The color of Mars is caused by iron oxide. At the Martian Crater, the authentic iron oxide began to puddle as a result of Earth rain. It looks like wine, red wine, someone said. Let’s take off our shoes and stomp in the mud as if we were crushing grapes.

We performed an ancient ritual in an absurd environment. As people choose which elements of our existing cultures can be taken to Mars and should be taken to Mars, it is possible that some forms will become divorced from their original function or meaning. Wine-making may become puddle-stomping. In the slow pace of the lower Martian gravity, in a sealed environment where all water is recycled, in soil where grapes have never been planted, a traditional functional act becomes a purely aesthetic movement.