
Bjørn has planted his dandelions at Hyllie.

Follow the process at 700dandelions.bjornwangen.se

Trees of 40 fruit planted

Sam’s apple and cherry trees have been planted by Lars Qvint’s students at Hvilan utbildning.

Sam will be assisted by Daniel Wilby, who will collect and write backstories to the trees that Sam creates.

Dandelions on the move

I’m now taking up a large number of plants at the croft. They are planted in pots made of newspaper paper and placed in the shadow to rest. Each plant is numbered and registered on a map, to ensure it will be replanted in the same position at the new site in Hyllie.

More here…

Preparing the performance for the opening

These are edible sculptures.

The transparent egg contains a very special collection of seeds, flowers, herbs, fruits and spices. When you eat an egg, the thin transparent shell crashes and a complex bouquet starts to expand inside your mouth. The progressive layering of the tastes takes you in to the landscape we have imagined so dearly. A place where a rich biodiversity keeps evolving reaching out for you, dynamic, reciprocal. In Landscape of Resistance wild herbs and cultivars do not compete, like the tastes you just felt in your mouth, they are part of the same discourse.
Come to taste them, 1st of July at 15:00 at Hyllie’s park, Egle will offer them during a ritual performance at the plot of land she has seeded.

Photo by: Juha Huuskonen and Egle Oddo


18 June, 2017

Farah Marie Velten will be arriving to Agrikultura in just a few days from now to begin actualizing AGRIPHOTO-CULTURAGRAPH. Follow her on instagram as she draws light creating cyanotypes of edible plants and foraged finds growing on and around the festival’s site. Attend one of her workshops where you can learn how this alternative printing process from the 1800s works and make a one-of-a-kind piece yourself which you’ll be able to bring home with you.

And register for her workshop on Sunday 2 July, on eventbrite!

Looking, picking and eating

We are currently working with Agata Bielska on a rocket stove, or similar, to build at Hyllie for the various food performances.

The plants moved in at The Cluster

The plants moved in at The Cluster- edge forestgarden! A work intensive week heading from Stockholm via Öland and B´ströö plantschool to Agrikultura site, Hyllie Malmö via Kåseberga-Höör and Holma forestgarden… Thanks to fantastic work Johanna Söndergaard Johansson and fantastic Arne and all students at Holma folkhögskola! And Monix Sjölin, Johanna Kindvall, Susanna Kapusta, Marek Walczak for helping putting up fence and water.

Transplant Install

Plants will grow in warmed environments simulating the climate in Southern Sweden in 2050, 2110, and 2180.

Stories of coming together

​What does it mean to *come together*? For my piece in Agrikultura, I am collecting stories about what this means to you. When, how or why do people come together? In particular, I’m interested stories such as: (1) a time when you came together with others in a way that made you feel free, or that empowered your individuality, (2) a time when you came together with others for the sake of cooperation, and through coordinated effort achieved more that any individual could have on their own, and (3) a time when you came together with others in a spirit of negativity or meanness, perhaps in such a way that your common link was the exclusion or bullying of an outsider.

Stories can be long or short – let’s say between 20 and 500 words. I would like to collect an audio recording of you telling your story, and could do this in person or over the phone. If you would prefer, I would be happy to receive a short text, as long as you don’t mind me making a recording of someone else reading your story.

Audio of your story will be incorporated as source material in my piece. Except for the sound of your voice, your anonymity will be preserved. And again, if you would prefer, I’d be happy to have someone else lend their voice on your behalf.
Accepting stories in English or Swedish.

Please contact me via email if you are interested. You can reach me via gmail with username rsolomon.

Meetings, garden workshops & interviews

In May 2017 OSS#HL carried a public outreach at Holma to build a healing garden to be installed in Agrikultura 2017 in July. The process consisted in different community meetings, gardening workshops, interviews with residents and självförvaltning members and the participation of OSS at Holma’s Sommarfest. We learn about the strong history of community organizing through gardening at Holma and gain the input of the community for the design of the garden. All this was possible thanks to the incredible support of Johanna Kindvall, Jenny Widov, Marek Walczak, Susanna Kapusta & Amanda McDonald Crowley from Agrikultura; Sofie Pettersson & Felicia Olofsson from MKB Fastighets AB and all the neighbors at Holma that welcomed Outer Seed Shadow with open arms! We will be back in late June to start the construction!

The Seed Cover

Rendel is making the seed cover for the Almanac – the catalog for the exhibition. Malin Lobell helped select the seeds based on ’green manure’ – a way to revitalize the soil. The seeds are:
Phacelia tanacetifolia Honungsfacelia
Trifolium inkarnatum, blodklöver
Trifolium resupinatum, perserklöver
Lolium multiflorum var. westerwoldicum Westerwoldiskt rajgräs
Helianthus annuus solros
Vicia villosa, Luddvicker

Orientation : update

Updated images from Luke Lowings. The piece will be set on a prominent hill.

(English) Sunflower seeds

Tyvärr är denna artikel enbart tillgänglig på English.

Mask i arbete…

Mask i arbete förbereder god jord i Hyllie.

Cluster Förberedelse

18 April:  Malin besöker Holma Skogsträdgård i Höör för att berätta om Agrikultura och presentera Cluster och förhoppningen är att några av studenterna vill vara med och arbeta med projektet som en del av sin praktik under kursen i Skogsträdgårdar. Lärare är Johanna Johansson och Esbjörn Wandt. Under dagen är vi även i växthuset och planterar om sticklingar av bla spenatskräppa, citronmeliss, spansk körvel.

Planer görs för att hela kursen är med och planterar Cluster i slutet av maj, som ett delmoment i sin kurs. Det känns jättekul med detta samarbete!

Egle’s 2nd trip

Egle came to Malmo for her 2nd time to work on the Ark of Seeds.

She sowed extra seeds, fertilized and had some help from students at Hvilan Utbildning to gather stones. This ended with a fabulous feast by Egle with Agrikultura artists and friends.

Progress on the other side of the pond

A quick update on our progress on this side of the pond:

1. We have assembled the basic components for the sensing nodes (see attached images). We are going with sensors for soil moisture, soil pH, temperature, light, humidity. Leonardo says they are close to having a prototype ready for the node electronics (with the exception of the soil pH sensor, which arrived this week here in the lab).

2. The Raspberry Pi server is up and running, with the database containing dummy data for now. I am working with this to develop the dashboard and mobile client.

3. Leonardo will be sending along designs for the physical housing. We discussed 3d printing them to make them water-tight, and designing them in such a way that they can be partially buried in the ground to help keep them from growing feet and walking away at night.

On the Swedish side of the pond, we have found hundreds of wild roses we can use, and a lot of sea buckthorn.. neither of which are kind to humans, but have some great benefits to nature.

Sketch for Field Kitchen

Kindvall will collaboratively develop a series of mobile kitchens to be used during Agrikultura.

The Almanac

Rendel is creating a catalog that consists of an envelope inside which are a selection of postcards and an updated ’almanac’ – with instructional pages created by the artists.

Orientation collaboration

Marianne Morild and Luke Lowings are collaborating on Orientation – Monument to the Honey Bee.

Are tea plants innately slug-resistant?

An Alaskan gardener suggests using coffee grounds as slug repellent, as slugs apparently hate caffeine.
A Swedish farm already grows tea, and they sell tea seedlings.
As part of our research at Agrikultura, Martian Tea proposes to introduce tea seedlings into one of the gardens in a nearby town which is tormented by black slugs.
Tea may be a source of nutrients to Mars inhabitants should the Martian slug population get out of control and devour many other crops.


Wes and Josh are busy working on the components of their display. The piece looks very different now.

The spiral forest

On Robert Ek’s suggestion, Oliver’s grove of ancient trees is in the form of a spiral. To be seen by aircraft, but also related to a number of theme’s in Oliver’s thinking.

Dandelion progress

Bjørn har sått maskrosfrön – vi väntar på att de ska gro. Följ processen på http://www.700dandelions.bjornwangen.se

The playground

Construction of the Spirit House will start soon. If you are around you can participate.

Progress with the Ark of Seeds

In early March 2017, Egle visited Hyllie to map out her oval for Ark of Seeds. She had the ground turned, and planted a range of seeds from wild species and traditional cultivars. A lot of birds were watching, so the seeds had to be placed deeper in the soil. Small seeds like to be close to the surface, as they need to find the light to germinate, so Egle planted larger seeds together with them to help break the ground. Hopefully it works. The smaller tip of the oval land-shape points towards south.

She returns from 4 – 11 May to plant additional seeds and map out pathways for her Landscape of Resistance.

Calling callers

Calling for the Others is looking for a person(s) who does cattle calling, traditional kulning. Would you like to share your kulning experience and guide the participants of the Calling for the Others  -sessions to do so, too? The sessions are lead by Mari and Grit and arranged the last week of June. The date, times and locations will be published closer to the summer. If you know someone doing kulning, do it yourself or if you’re just generally interested in taking part of the Calling for the Others -sessions, please contact us.

Plan of action

Shu Lea’s plan of action:
(1) building the shopping cart modified cookware (2) testing smelly food by inviting fellow participants or reaching out to local community by exchange.

Bent and the Pigs

We are anxiously awaiting Bent’s co-location performance with pigs and people.

The dumpling feast

Kira Nam Greene held an excellent dumpling workshop in Brooklyn on April 23, 2017, with Johanna Kindvall, Marek Walczak, Erik Sanner, Farah Velten, Amanda McDonald Crowley, Ben Bunch, and Rory Solomon – in preparation for her Universal Dumpling project at Agrikultura in Hyllie, Malmö, in July.

Photos by Ben Bunch


The project Outsider, as part of ¨AGRIKULTURA Triennal¨ is developing, in the located area, a series of spaces where the management of various human activities cause the least possible impact on other species and on the terrain itself; A project dedicated to multi-species co-evolution that examines and hopes to reshape links between living beings, both human and non-human, including the biological sphere.

Documenting the edibles

Sophia will come early and document the edibles at the site and, perhaps, the surrounding area.

The tools

We are discussing how to bake bread outdoors at Hyllie. Certainly Johanna Kindvall and Juanli Carrión will make paella.


Farah will be coming just before the exhibition to create some non-silver light images to be sold as a card during the exhibition.