What’s going on at The Ark of Seeds

As part of Sophia Warsh‘s A Map of Edible Plants, she is documenting what is happening at all of the Agrikultura installations. Here is what she has found at Egle Oddo‘s Ark of Seeds:

Achillea millefolium
Allium sativum
Anagallis arvensis
Artemesia vulgaris
Avena sp.
Cirsium vulgare
Eryngium maritimum
Euphorbia sp.
Fagopyrum esculentum
Lactuca serriola
Linum usitatissimum white form
Papaver sp.
Papaver rhoeas
Plantago lanceolata
Polygonaceae – vining
Trifolium campestre
Tripleurospermum maritimum
Vicia faba

The queen bee

The queen bee only sees daylight once in her life, the day she mates. Its a wild affair with multiple drones. The rest of her days, she lives in darkness. I image=ine, at times, she can see through a small hole in the hive, maybe a bit of sun and the horizon.

Here are large-format photos taken from a pinhole in an active beehive at the former landfill / future park of Hyllie in Sweden.

update on Hedgerow Hyllie

Hedgerow Hyllie: the spontaneous portion

what comes up
out of the gneiss and green stone
of the Fennoscandian Shield
or some rubble

a protective organism
this one borders the kiosk
magenta fireweed
and sea buckthorn,
grey green
not unlike the new color of
the hay bale covers

roots get scraped and berries collected
the sensor reads lonely

what does the one side think of the other side?
across the street is some mignonette

Mapping Agrikultura North

As part of Sophia Warsh‘s A Map of Edible Plants, she is mapping the Agrikultura installations. Here is what she has found at Gunnel Pettersson‘s Field Walks and Oliver Kelhammer‘s Neo-Eocene Malmö at Agrikultura North!

Location id: HoME – smell the food

Saturday 22 July, Sunday 23 July
14:00 – 17:00


Join Shulea Cheang and her team of renegade cooks and collaborators for Location id: HoME – a speculative cooking/feeding performance set in urban/rural farming communities in year 2030.

At the Agrikultura infokiosk you can buy the government issued liquid food bag, and out in the fields at Agrikultura, discover the ‘real taste’ of old varieties. Rise up are troupes of RESISTANCE farmers who search the old time produce and recipes to re-create the smell of home cooking. Join the resistance!

Tree of 40 Fruit Grafting Workshop

Saturday July 22, Sunday July 23, Saturday July 28
11:00 – 13:00

Join Sam Van Aken for workshops to learn tree grafting techniques and the importance of heritage fruits in Skåne at his Tree of 40 Fruit installation!

Crafting Freedom: Framework for Cosmopolitan Food Legislation

Friday 21, Saturday 22, Sunday 23 July
13:00 – 14:00

Join Erik Sanner at his Mars Crater for a conversation about food legislation. Insects are eaten in many cultures around the world. However, in Sweden it is legal to sell beef, but illegal to sell cricket flour. Is there a rational way to allow foods from other cultures to enter the Swedish pantry?

Sam Van Aken collecting cuttings for Tree of 40 Fruits workshops

On 20 July, Sam Van Aken visited the incredibly beautiful Fredriksdal Open Air Museum in Helsingborg where he met with head gardener Sarah Utter, and collected cuttings from several older varieties of apple and cherry trees specific to the Skåne region for his Tree of 40 Fruit grafting workshops on 22 and 23 July at Agrikultura.

This week he will be driving around Skåne visiting with Per Olof Gytell at Olofbergs fruktodling, Inger Utter at Alnarp Nationella genbanken, Jan Truedsson in Vellinge, Hilde Nybom at Balsgård in Kristianstad, and the Engelska trädgården in Svabesholm.

He will be collecting additional cuttings from stone fruit trees for his final workshop on Friday 27 July at 11:00 – 13:00 at Agrikultura!

Feed the soil

The importance of soil. In David Montgomerys book ”Dirt- The erosion of civilisation” he writes about this important layer of top-soil as ”the skin of the earth”
On site there will now be two types of feeding the soil. One through three ”Worm towers” that will take care of the waste from AgriKulturas food events. And the other is a built compost pile built up in different layers of brown(carbon ) and green(nitrogen) and black (high nitrogen)material.

Pigs and Man improvised sound performance

Saturday 1, 15, 29 July
Saturday 12, 26 August
16:00 – 17:00

Join Bent Bøgedal Christoffersen for Pigs and Man his pig inspired sound performance in the Open Room!

And on Friday 11 August, at 16:00, instead of performing in Hyllie, Bent performs with his pigs at their home on the farm! Check out the LIVE STREAM on Facebook event page.

Elevating the Swedish Palate into Extraterrestrial Situations

Friday 13 July Saturday 15 July, Sunday 15 July
13:00 – 14:00

Erik Sanner invites you to a conversation at his installation Martian Weed and Pest Utility Research.

Cultural identity tends to shift when populations are relocated. As a member of the EU, Swedes will almost certainly inhabit Mars. What will Sweden´s contributions to Martian cuisine be?

Cyanotype Workshops at Agrikultura

Farah ran a cyanotype workshop on opening weekend and it was a wonderful success. Each participant made unique and beautiful pieces they took home with them. Learning each step of the process by hand students will be able to do this process on their own again to continue making one-of-a-kind cyanotypes.

Participants got very creative with their selections of items to print and some even brought items from home we experimented with. Watching the image come up in the rinse going through each shade of blue right before our eyes feels like magic every time.

Farah will be teaching a second workshop when she returns for Stage Two of her project Agriphoto-Culturagraph so you can participate in this second one if you missed the first. Held from 13:00-17:00 on Saturday August 5th, please join for an educational and fun day of learning hands on how this photographic printing process dating back to 1842 works using the sun and water. All supplies and materials included, 150 KR cash to participate.
All welcome!

Excerpts from Stage One of Agriphoto-Culturagraph

Farah has set up a dark room in the shipping container on site where she has begun creating pieces documenting all the edible plants growing on site at Agrikultura, both from what she has found wild and from what she’s found growing in other artists’ installations. Here you can see the wild stinging nettle growing high on the hill, wild strawberries growing throughout the entire grounds on site, saint john’s wort growing on the hill and scattered around site, as well as wild rose blooming in the bushes around site.

Follow her Instagram @farah_jacqua to see a closer look at pieces she’s made during Stage One and visit her on site during Stage Two in order to watch her process step by step and see the plants she’s printing in their later growth in new prints. If you participate in her workshop on site Saturday August 5th 13:00-17:00you will get to make your own one-of-kind cyanotype to take home with you.

Universal Dumpling Workshop

July 8 & July 15
15:00 – 18:00

Join Kira Nam Green for the Universal Dumpling workshop, where participants will learn about different fillings for many different Asian style dumplings and how to fold them. We will also get to know each other by sharing our food memories and comparing cultural differences and similarities in food preparations and consumption. After these fun conversations and work, we will celebrate with the dumpling feast.

Please note, this workshop is limited to 10 participants. You MUST sign up on Eventbrite to attend this workshop!!!!

There will be a small fee for this workshop and meal to cover the costs of materials and food!

Pigs and Man interactive sound installation

8, 22 July; 5, 19 August
13:00 – 17:00

Bent Bøgedal Christoffersen installs his Pigs and Maninteractive ceramics and sound works in the Open Room for you to play!!

OSS#HL Planting Event

On Saturday, July 1st OSS#HL Holma’s Healing Garden was planted during the launch of Agrikultura Triennial 2017. Självförvalting members, neighbors of Holma, and friends came to plant their plants, some transplanted from their own gardens, planting together this tribute to their 25+ years of self-organizing trough gardening.

In the news

Press about Agrikultura:

Vårt Malmö : Hyllies Växtverk 

Hyllie Local : Se Hyllies prunkande växtverk

Österlen magasinet :  Familjeträd växer fram på Svabesholm

Expressen Kultur : Kommunal växtvärk i Malmös nya stadsdel

Vilks.net : Mer om vandaliserad konst, om landart och en omvärdering

SVT nyheter Skåne : Han ympar 40 skånska äppelsorter på ett träd

SVT Nyheter Skåne : Interview with Sam Van Aken

Sydsvenskan  Kultur : Konsten slår rot på Hyllie

Sydsvenskan :  Ätbar konst planteras i Hyllie 

Skånska Dagbladet : Mat möter konst i Hyllie 

Hyllie Local :   Agrikultura – grön konst med naturlig drivkraft

Malmö stad press release :  Agrikultura – konstevenemang med växtkraft

Collecting, drying and making my own tea

My newly found hobby – Collecting, drying and making my own tea. Fermented birch and wild strawberry leaves.

A post shared by Stefan Phalagorn (@phalagorn) on


On the occasion of the participation in the Triennale that is taking place in Malmo with the name of “AGRIKULTURA Triennal” located in the area of Hyllie, within the future English Park, we present a proposal with the title Outsider within the project Kitchen Dialogues.

We start from the idea of developing, in the allocated area, a series of spaces where the management of various human activities cause the least possible impact on other species and on the terrain itself; Posing a unique area of coexistence and confluence, a matrix for the world through an alliance between art and biocentrism, where the collective practice of social production and reproduction becomes social transformation, including the biological sphere.

The group of actions that will take place between these elements has no limit. There is incompatibility, community, asylum and discord, decay, rupture and degradation, or collapse without rapprochement. There are coincidences and estrangements that make possible the presence of diversity.

The proposal includes the hosting, in the area allocated by AGRIKULTURA Triennal, of the necessary requirements for two spaces. One, a space generated for the accomplishment of the performances of the artists who have been invited to participate in the Triennal. Two, a space designated to give a public service as an area to rest. The project is carried out contemplating the sustainability and including the participation of the diversity of the vegetal species that grow in wild form at the moment in the whole area where the project is made.

The goal is to generate a project that reviews the right of plants, and other living beings. The project includes wild plants designated as undesirable plants in areas controlled by humans such as gardens and plants without homes.
The Outsider project is not what you do, but how you do it, which forms the basis of the ethics of such relationships. From this point of view, the project fosters thinking through our multi-specific collaboration. The ethics of relationships between species is a debate that has been going through the field of contemporary art for years. Outsider, is hosting a project dedicated to multispecies co-evolution that examines and hopes to reshape links between living beings, both human and non-human.

Calling for the Others sound piece published

Thank you for everyone who took part in two of the Calling for the Others sessions in Agrikultura. We had amazing times and calls. The sound piece is available in Soundcloud now at Calling For The Others.

Warm thank you for the contribution!

Collaborative Possibilities with Erik Sanner

Saturday 1 July and Sunday 2 July, 2017
13:00 – 15:00

We need to cooperate in order to survive. On Earth, on Mars, on the Moon, on a space station, or under the ocean, the most powerful ideas are only adopted through conversation, through sharing, through exploring reality together. Laypeople such as ourselves may not be able to rigorously define consciousness, or self-awareness, or intelligence, or emotion, but we are conscious, and self-aware, and intelligent, and emotional. Direct experience is the medium through which we live, and our greatest teacher.

Please join the instigator of Martian Weed and Pest Utility Research, Erik Sanner in creating something out of our limited understanding. Nothing is predefined and nothing is static – everything in the universe is in a constant state of flux, invisible over some timespans but glaringly obvious in others. Research can take many forms, but the primary imperative is that it be fundamentally ongoing. We will create space for the smallest gesture or the grandest sweeping statement of humanity’s expansion (in population, in space, in technological growth) and we will generate these expressions together.

The past is full of brutality and beauty. The future is unwritten. Do you want your garden overrun with black slugs? Do you want murder or rape to occur on Mars? Let’s take a holistic view of culture, of identity, of cuisine, of pest and food and weed and crop and person and…

There is no predetermined outcome to this workshop. We may talk, we may build, we may draw, we may chant. The experience will be guided, but what occurs will be determined by the interests, facilities and will of the participants.

Agrikultura Launch Day

1 July, 2017
11:00 – 18:00

Kulturföreningen Triennal is delighted to announce that Agrikultura, an exhibition of public artworks, installations, meals, performances, urban interventions, mobile kitchens, and events to take place outdoors in Hyllie, Malmo, opening on July 1, 2017 and running until August 27, 2017.

The project is realized and installed on 8 hectares of the future “English Park” in Hyllie, and includes artworks, performances, and projects by:Agata Bielska Annersten (SE), Antonina Melissa Simeti (US), Åsa Maria Bengtsson (SE), Bent Bøgedal Christoffersen (SE), Bjørn Wangen (SE),Egle Oddo (IT/FI), Erik Sanner (US), Farah Velten (US), Grit Ruhland (DE),Gunnel Pettersson (SE), Håkan Skytte (SE), Helena Marika Ekenger (SE),Jessica Segall (US), Johanna Kindvall (SE/US), Josh Miller (US), Juanli Carrión (ES/US), Kira Nam Greene(KR/US), Leonardo Aranda (MX), Luke Lowings (UK), Malin Lobell Brodersen (SE), Marek Walczak (UK/US), Mari Keski-Korsu (FI), Marianne Morild(UK), Mark Shepard US), Martinka Bobrikova (NO), Mary Mattingly (US), Monix Sjölin (SE), Oliver Kellhammer(CA/US), Oscar de Carmen (ES/NO), Rendel Ibing (DE/SE), Rory Solomon (US), Sam Van Aken(US), Shulea Cheang(FR), Sophia Warsh (US), Ursula Endlicher (AT/US), Wes Heiss (US).

Check out our map for exact locations of the artworks!

Many of the artists will be present at the opening, and several will be doing performances, tours, and workshops on our Opening Day.

We invite you to join us to explore works in the fields, and participate in workshops and performances. Bring bring a picnic, picnic utensils, glasses (and if you have it, also a picnic blanket or cloth) and join us in the park for a celebratory picnic at 17:00. We will provide a celebratory drink, prepared at Johanna Kindvall’s Field Kitchen.

The schedule of activities:

Opening Day hours: 11:00 – 18:00
Take a walk around the fields and listen to Rory Solomon’s Radio Tree Malmö in the woods; explore Oliver Kelhammer’s Neoeocene grove of ancient trees; pick lettuce leaves from Åsa Maria Bengtsson’s Edible Carpet; forage from Cluster, Malin Lobell and Mary Mattingly’s permaculture planting; hang out at Oscar de Carmen and Martinka Bobrikova’s Kitchen Dialogues installation; find Farah Velten creating cyanotypes of current festival blooms or possibly foraging edible plants for her Agriphoto-Culturagraph; visit Monix Sjölin as she builds her Spirit House.

11:00 – 12:00 OSSHL Healing Garden, Juanli Carrion
Join Juanli and members of the Holma community as they plant the healing garden

12:00 – 14:30 Calling for the Others, Mari Keski-Korsu and Grit Ruhland
Join the environmental-sound-project, Calling for the Others, to learn kulning – traditional cattle calling.
Please register here.

13:00 – 16:00 Input Field, Ursula Endlicher
Endlicher will give tours and provide bites sampling the functionality of the input fields

13:00 – 15:00 Collaborative Possibilities
Join instigator of Martian Weed and Pest Utility Research Erik Sanner for a workshop to explore how we might survive on Earth, on Mars, on the Moon, on a space station, or under the ocean. The most powerful ideas are only adopted through conversation, through sharing, through exploring reality together in creating something out of our limited understanding
Limit to 15 participants. Please register here.

13:00 – 15:00 Hive Perspective, Jessica Segall
Join Jessica Segall for a pin-hole camera workshop, for a bees-eye view of the world.

13:00 – 15:00 The Importance of Being … , Malin Lobell
Join Malin Lobell for a composting workshop, and explore the world from the perspective of worms.

15:00 – 15:30 Landscapes of Resistance, Egle Oddo
As part of her Ark of Seeds installation, Egle Oddo will offers to the public miniature edible sculptures filled with seeds and herbs. They have been designed in collaboration with chef de cuisine Lorenzo Eleuteri.

16:00 – 17:00 Meet Hedgerow Hyllie
Get to know Hedgrerow Hyllie. Learn how to interact with her, access the data that she generates and see how she impacts the local ecosystem.
Limit to 20 participants. Please register here.

16:00 – 17:00 Pigs and Man, Bent Bøgedal Christoffersen
Join Bent and his pig collaboratorys for a sound performance

Picnic in the fields
Join us for a communal picnic in the fields!! Please bring picnic supplies!

A key goal for Agrikultura is to imagine sustainable solutions to food in cities. We will explore permacultural solutions – systems of agricultural and social design principles centered on simulating or utilizing patterns and features observed in Swedish ecosystems. Artists will work with city gardeners, youth groups, and citizens to reimagine urban landscapes taking into account ecological design and engineering, integrated water resource management, and sustainable landscape design to develop regenerative and self-maintaining habitats.

We aim to create a unique experience, that will not only be beautiful but that will engage our audiences in meaningful ways to think about what practical roles we might play in imagining the future of our food systems, in expansive, sustainable, and delightful ways.

We hope you can join us!

Agrikultura Curators: Marek WalczakAmanda McDonald Crowley
and the Kulturföreningen Triennal team.

Agrikultura is being realized with generous support from Malmö stad and Kulturnämnden Region Skåne.

Input Field Form is getting ready for food-sampling tour

Input Field Form translates Agrikultura’s artist submission form ­into fields of radishes, potatoes and other vegetables, as well as soil, and electronics. On opening day from 13:00-15:00 visitors and participants are invited for a tour of the fields and can try edible samples from each field…

Edible Carpet collaborators!

I planted my last seeds in the Edible Carpet on 30 June, 2017!

I would like to thank some people who have helped me a lot: Thore Soneson, Ann-Marie Göransson, Gunilla Barck and Anja Nilsson.

Åsa Maria Bengtsson

Calling for the Others: Workshops

Join the environmental-sound-project ‘Calling on the Others’ to learn kulning – traditional cattle calling. Also we’ll learn other ways to connect with our bodies, minds and voice to the surrounding environment as well as other species. No previous experience of music, singing or sound work is required. Parts of the workshops will be recorded and afterwards composed into a sound piece that can be heard in Malmö, Hyllie in Agrikultura Triennal during July-August 2017.
Warm welcome to take part in one or both workshops:
June 28. at 12-14:30
July 1. at 12-14:30
Location: Hyllie English Park, a 5 minute walk from Hyllie Train Station, please see the map at https://agrikultura.triennal.se/visit/

The workshop is free of charge. The language is English, some Swedish translation available. If you have any questions, need more info etc. please contact mkk (at) katastro.fi

The workshop sessions are by artists Mari Keski-Korsu and Grit Ruhland. Helle Thun is the visiting kulning guide.

More info also at  https://agrikultura.triennal.se/artworks/calling-for-the-others/

Anna Elwing joining Calling for the Others

The first Calling for the Others workshop will take place on Wed 28.6. at 12-14.30. Welcome! There have been some changes in the plans: unfortunately our kulning expert Helle Thun got ill. But we are happy to welcome Anna Elwing who’ll join guide us to the world of kulning. Anna is professional singer as well as singing and yoga teacher. Read more about her on her website at www.satmanderyoga.se/lrare-1
For Wednesday’s workshop, unfortunately the Agrikultura info signs are not set up by the time yet. If you have Google maps, please check out the map at agrikultura.triennal.se/visit If you come from the Hyllie train station direction, walk the street in between the Emporia shopping mall and Malmö Arena until you see a sculpture of a huge woman face. Keep going straight forward over the intersection and the bridge over the motorway. After the bridge you’ll see red containers on the left. From there, there will be someone guiding you forward.