Ursula Endlicher
Since the mid 1990ies the Internet has impacted Ursula Endlicher’s practice, where she focuses on the physical, structural, and metaphorical aspects of networks: She builds frameworks for Internet Art works and performances, but lets real-time data be the lead for their choreographies. She extracts rule sets from the Web and repurposes them for installations and objects. Her videos often feature characters depicting anthropomorphized code.
Endlicher is currently a project resident at Eyebeam in Brooklyn, NY where she is developing a new networked-performance installation. Her work is part of the permanent collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the ursula blickle videoarchiv at the 21er Haus in Vienna, and has been exhibited and performed in venues such as transmediale, SIGGRAPH, ISEA, the xMPL/Contemporary Art Center in Irvine, the WUK in Vienna, the Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw, the Center for Performance Research in Brooklyn, Air Circulation in Brooklyn, and Postmasters Gallery in NY. She has been teaching Interactive Media in the Digital Arts Department at Pratt Institute.
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Agrikultura Launch Day
11:00 – 18:00 Kulturföreningen Triennal is delighted to announce that Agrikultura, an exhibition of public artworks, installations, meals, performances, urban interventions, mobile kitchens, and events to take ... More Information

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