Saturday 1 July and Sunday 2 July, 2017
13:00 – 15:00
We need to cooperate in order to survive. On Earth, on Mars, on the Moon, on a space station, or under the ocean, the most powerful ideas are only adopted through conversation, through sharing, through exploring reality together. Laypeople such as ourselves may not be able to rigorously define consciousness, or self-awareness, or intelligence, or emotion, but we are conscious, and self-aware, and intelligent, and emotional. Direct experience is the medium through which we live, and our greatest teacher.
Please join the instigator of Martian Weed and Pest Utility Research, Erik Sanner in creating something out of our limited understanding. Nothing is predefined and nothing is static – everything in the universe is in a constant state of flux, invisible over some timespans but glaringly obvious in others. Research can take many forms, but the primary imperative is that it be fundamentally ongoing. We will create space for the smallest gesture or the grandest sweeping statement of humanity’s expansion (in population, in space, in technological growth) and we will generate these expressions together.
The past is full of brutality and beauty. The future is unwritten. Do you want your garden overrun with black slugs? Do you want murder or rape to occur on Mars? Let’s take a holistic view of culture, of identity, of cuisine, of pest and food and weed and crop and person and…
There is no predetermined outcome to this workshop. We may talk, we may build, we may draw, we may chant. The experience will be guided, but what occurs will be determined by the interests, facilities and will of the participants.