What does it mean to *come together*? For my piece in Agrikultura, I am collecting stories about what this means to you. When, how or why do people come together? In particular, I’m interested stories such as: (1) a time when you came together with others in a way that made you feel free, or that empowered your individuality, (2) a time when you came together with others for the sake of cooperation, and through coordinated effort achieved more that any individual could have on their own, and (3) a time when you came together with others in a spirit of negativity or meanness, perhaps in such a way that your common link was the exclusion or bullying of an outsider.
Stories can be long or short – let’s say between 20 and 500 words. I would like to collect an audio recording of you telling your story, and could do this in person or over the phone. If you would prefer, I would be happy to receive a short text, as long as you don’t mind me making a recording of someone else reading your story.
Audio of your story will be incorporated as source material in my piece. Except for the sound of your voice, your anonymity will be preserved. And again, if you would prefer, I’d be happy to have someone else lend their voice on your behalf.
Accepting stories in English or Swedish.
Please contact me via email if you are interested. You can reach me via gmail with username rsolomon.