Kitchen Dialogues
Genom den pågående serien av Kitchen Dialogue arbetar vi med sociala interventioner – som på samma gång är en kritisk utövning – och verkar genom social research, platsspecifika installationer, en serie sociala event och dialoger triggade av gemytlighet. Vi undersöker våra djupt rotade sociala beteenden och vanor, och frågar oss om vi hade kunna handla annorlunda i sociala sammanhang.
Martinka Bobrikova & Oscar de Carmen

On the occasion of the participation in the Triennale that is taking place in Malmo with the name of ”AGRIKULTURA Triennal” located in the area of Hyllie, within the future ... More Information

Agrikultura Launch Day
1 July, 2017
11:00 – 18:00 Kulturföreningen Triennal is delighted to announce that Agrikultura, an exhibition of public artworks, installations, meals, performances, urban interventions, mobile kitchens, and events to take ... More Information
11:00 – 18:00 Kulturföreningen Triennal is delighted to announce that Agrikultura, an exhibition of public artworks, installations, meals, performances, urban interventions, mobile kitchens, and events to take ... More Information

The project Outsider, as part of ¨AGRIKULTURA Triennal¨ is developing, in the located area, a series of spaces where the management of various human activities cause the least possible impact ... More Information
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