Wasteland encyclopaedia
I am fascinated in human interaction with plants. Plants are our constants companions – giving us oxygen, food, medicine, shelter, materials, mental well-being and much more.
I became intrigued by the landscape of Hyllie: at first glance there is nothing unusual about this place, It looks like a typical wasteland area that can be found in suburbs of most of big cities all around world. This area, for some reasons remained unused or got returned to nature after losing its former purpose.
The original nature that must have existed here has been totally changed several times by humans hands. Masses of soil have been moved or brought there from other sites, and a completely new landscape has been created. Now the space has temporarily been left alone and wild plants have started to spontaneously recolonize.
There is something fascinating in observing transformative power of wild nature doing its work. But also sad in realizing that it might not regain its original, wild character.
In my work I envision a post-apocalyptic setting, where this place is the only nature resource left on the earth.
I want to invite people to kneel down to the courageous wild plants that are spontaneously growing on the site. These are mostly plants that are considered weeds, and not of any special value. I want to honour each of them, and explore possible uses of the plants generous offerings.
1. documentation of existing species
2. research about edibility and medical use, creating Hyllie’s materia medica and cookbook.
3. testing cookbook and materia medica – foraging and cooking workshop.
Agata Bielska
Final Weekend! Sunday 27 August Finissage Program

For our final day at Agrikultura invite you to join us to explore works in the fields, and participate in workshops and performances.
On Sunday, feel free to bring a picnic, picnic utensils, glasses (and if you have it, also a picnic blanket or cloth) and join us in the park for a celebratory picnic at 17:00.
Open Hours: 11:00 – 18:00
Take a walk around the fields and listen to Rory Solomon’s Radio Tree Malmö in the woods; harvest vegetables from Ursula Endlicher’s Input Field; check out Juanli Carrión’s OSS Holma; and visit Monix Sjölin at her Spirit House…
Schedule of activities:
12:00 – 14:00: Wasteland Encyclopaedia, Agata Bielska
Join Agata Bielska for a foraging workshop on the fields at Agrikultura; gather and prepare foods for our closing picnic.
13:00 – 15:00: Edible Carpet, Åsa Maria Bengtsson
“Tant grön” (lady green) will harvest and give salad and other green edibles away from the Edible Carpet.
13:00 – 15:00: The Sausage Factory, Helena Marika Ekenger
Join Helena at the Open Room for a performance / workshop at her poetic sculpture that produces food for our closing picnic!
15:00 – 16:00: FieldWalk III, Gunnel Pettersson
Gunnel will be joined by Sons of God (Leif Elggren & Kent Tankred) together with Amit Sen for a FieldWalk moves between music, performance and visual arts in such a way that the traditional boundaries become uninteresting.
17:00: Picnic in the fields at the Open Room
Join us for a communal picnic in the fields!! Please bring picnic supplies and food to share!
Testing nature’s edible resources at Hyllie

Testing nature’s edible resources at Hyllie for Wasteland Encyclopaedia. Soup is made from 100% local wild plants and mushrooms.
We made vegetable stock from Daucus carotus (vildmorot, Queen Anne’s Lace) – root, leaves and flowers
and Pastinaca sativa (vild palsternacka, wild parsnip) – root, leaves and flowers.
We strained all wild vegetables from stock as they were too woody to eat.
Then we added to the boiling soup chopped young leaves of Tussilago farfara (hästhov, coltsfoot)
and fried mushrooms, Lycoperdon perlatum (vårtig röksvamp, warted puffball).
Lördagsserier och evenemang på Agrikultura

Saturday 29 July, 2017
11:00 – 18:00
13:00 – Rundtur i Agrikultura med kurator, Marek Walczak
14:00 – 16:00 Kom och följ konstnär, kock, forager Agata Bielska Annersten och botaniker / trädgårdsmästare Sophia Warsh för en botanisk workshop i Agrikultura. Vi kommer att promenera runt platsen och Sophia kommer att visa deltagarna hur man identifierar och trycker växter. Agata kommer att fokusera på ätbara och medicinska växter som man kan hitta runt omkring i området. Vi kommer att samla några växter, för att att sedan gå till köket vid kiosken för att att gå genom dess användningsområden. Worskshopen är en del av förberedelserna för Agata Bielskas arbete Wasteland Encyclopedia som omfattar forskning om ätbarhet och medicinsk användning av de vilda växter som finns i Hyllie
15:00 – Rundtur i Agrikultura med kurator
16:00 Vid kluster: Malin Lobell Brodersen håller en föreläsning för att hedra daggmasken och jordens betydelse med utgångspunkt från Darwins bok ”The formation of vegetable mould” till Haraways ”human as humusity”. Från monokultur i jordbruket till polykultur i skogsträdgården. Samtalet avslutas med introduktion och provsmakning från Cluster.
16:00 På öppet rum. Delta i Bent Bøgedal Christoffersen grisinspirerade ljudperformance Pigs and Man i det Öppna Rummet!
Looking, picking and eating

We are currently working with Agata Bielska on a rocket stove, or similar, to build at Hyllie for the various food performances.
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