Field Walks
Visitors are welcome to make a walk around the buckwheat field. Field Walks is based on interventions and processes that take place since 2007 within the project Odlingen (The Cultivation). The project uses buckwheat as an inspiration source and initiates cultivation in the south-east of Sweden. Art is a space for experimentation and reflection – art can provide the conditions for conversation and start interaction. Hopefully with aspects of cultivation as concrete reality but also abstractions of our existence.
August 20 at 16:00-17:00 Fältvandring / Fieldwalk I
In this “walk” the conversation theme will be about the production of buckwheat noodles and the Japanese culture around “Soba” (buckwheat noodles). Takao Momiyama will perform and offers taste samples and recipes.
Takao Momiyama is an artist with a great interest for food crafts. He won third prize nationally in Gastronomic Foods 2015 (Matverk 2015 ) together with chef Johan Linneborg and Gunnel Pettersson for handmade buckwheat noodles.
23 August at 17-18 Fältvandring / Fieldwalk II
This walk and conversation is about to expand the understanding of the rural-urban as connected public spaces; do we need a next generation of guerrilla gardening also in the rural area?
27 August at 15-16 Fieldwalk III / Field Walk III
Sons of God (Leif Elggren & Kent Tankred) together with Amit Sen and Gunnel Pettersson. The Son of God and the Amit Sen moves between music, performance and visual arts in such a way that the traditional boundaries become uninteresting. Amit Sen is composer and artist resident in Hammenhög and also known as improvisational musician. He works institutionally critically – with art as an art critic – and he runs and participates in a number of relational art projects.
The artists and composers Leif Elggren and Kent Tankred, based in Stockholm, have collaborated as Sons of God in the conceptual art field since 1985. They often work with recurring themes such as power relationships, spirituality, absurdities and existential issues. The approach often involves time-long, sometimes very slow, or hidden events not rarely sounded with own compositions. Sons of God’s music can be found on Firework Edition Records.
At the Ystad Art Museum they performed a prominence together with Amit Sen 2008.
The entire constellation conducted a Field Walk/Fältvandring 2013 in conjunction with the Hushållningssällskapet cultivation tests of buckwheat in Borrby (east of Malmö).
Gunnel Pettersson/

Final Weekend! Sunday 27 August Finissage Program

Field Walk II
17:00 – 18:00 Join Gunnel Pettersson for Field Walk II. This walk and conversation is about expanding our understanding of the rural-urban as connected public spaces; do we ... More Information

Field Walk I
16:00 – 17:00 Join Gunnel Pettersson for the first of her FieldWalks at the Buckwheat Field at Agrikultura! In this “walk” the conversation theme will be about the production ... More Information

Preparations for the Field Walk I, II and III
Buckwheat grows on the field in the middle of the new settlements. Can we coexist? The path ... More Information

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