Farah Marie Velten
Farah Marie Velten is a NYC based artist who practices photography focusing on analogue and alternative printing processes, including but not limited to cyanotype, van dyke brown, platinum palladium, chemigram, photogram, silver, color, encaustic, pinhole, and marbling. She is an assistant teacher at International Center for Photography (ICP), and has taught at ICP at the Point- Community Development Corporation, The High School of Fashion Industries (HSFI), as well as in Chile and France.
Farah has contributed work in Douglas Tompkin’s land conservation park, Pumalin, located in Patagonia, Chile, where she worked on the park’s organic farm, as a chef using the on-site farm’s produce, and as a guide to international visitors throughout the park. She will participate as guest artist at LAS Laguna Gallery in California during their upcoming mon.o.chrome show in June 2017.

Cyanotype Workshop with Farah Marie Velten
14:00 – 18:00 Join Farah Marie Velten for a demonstration and workshop where you’ll learn the photographic printing process Cyanotype, which she ... More Information

Cyanotype Workshops at Agrikultura

Excerpts from Stage One of Agriphoto-Culturagraph

Preparing for Agriphoto-Culturagraph